Our first shipment of
Allen and Heath mixers just arrived and are now available! There are tons of different options in the ZED line. Today, we're going to show you a few of our favorites.

The ZED-6FX is the perfect portable mixer for any solo artist or small group. On each one of the mixers, every channel is separated into vertical PCB's which is something not found in mixers of this price range. This makes the mixer much more durable. The ZED-6FX features two of the same boutique preamps sound in the high-end mixers from Allen and Heath with a high-pass switch at 100Hz. It also has a two-band-EQ, pan control, and an FX send to use one of the many built-in effects to enhance your live performance. At a price of only $149, you can't go wrong.

The ZEDi-10FX boasts the same preamps and effects as the 6FX, but adds a mid-band in the EQ section, two more preamps, and an AUX send for and extra output to use with outboard gear or a monitor send. The most interesting part of the ZEDi-10FX is the USB port that transforms this already impressive mixer into a 4-in and 4-out audio interface. You can record your 4 microphone channels or your stereo mix directly into your DAW.

The ZED-24 is the flagship of the ZED mixers. It comes packed with 16 of the same High-end mic pres, 3-band EQ with a sweepable mid-range and even PFL switches. Each channel even has insert jacks for using outboard gear. Smaller options just like this are available as the
ZED-14 and
ZED-16FX. Onboard is also a USB output to record the stereo mix. This feature is great for bands who want to sell their live performances right after a show. This really is a full- featured mixer ready for any stage, or even a home studio. As always, enjoy FAST and FREE shipping on any order in the continental US. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 855-269-0474 or stop in our store in Downtown Appleton! Be sure to check out our other articles