Many of our customers come into our store to buy their first recording interface, microphone, upgrade a preamp, etc, and they have questions about recording, sound, or various aspects of recording studio life. In order to answer all of these questions, we built a studio control room! In this studio we will hold a 6-week course which will meet once per week for hour and a half sessions to teach the basics of sound, recording, and mixing.
In the first few lessons, we will discuss how sound moves and how microphones react to it. Students will learn the signal chain and how the analog sound we can hear becomes a digital track that we can edit, mix and hear again and again. These skills will be usable in any Digital Audio Workstation, like ProTools, Studio One etc...
Deeper into the course, we will record a short song and begin mixing. We'll record acoustic guitar, electric guitar, a small drum kit, bass guitar and of course, vocals. Each track will be mixed down using compression, EQ and other effects by the students to get some hands-on experience in the mixing world. The class will start at a very low introductory price point. It will start at $398 with two payments of $199, or you can save and pay it all up front with one payment of $349. That's less than $60 per class! Group discounts are also available. Call us or email us a for details.
If the group classes aren't enough, we will offer individualized lessons for all students who have completed the six-week course. Starting at $40 per half-hour session, you can bring in your mix and get help to sculpt it into a professional recording. We plan to have the studio ready by February. We have very limited seats, so sign up soon!